You just found out you're pregnant. This was not part of the plan. Whether you've been in a relationship for years, or you slept with someone casually, you feel like the rug was pulled out from under you and you are not ready to be a parent.

On the other hand, you question that narrative... "maybe I can do this?" You're just not sure and you feel overwhelmed. You are not sure where or who to turn to. You're conflicted, you keep second guessing what you want to do, and there is a voice in the back of your mind judging you for any option you choose. You may be experiencing pressure to have a baby, and other pressure to terminate the pregnancy and have an abortion.

You're overwhelmed, stuck, and needing a place to turn to figure out what your options are without judgement. I will offer you that safe space, where you can reflect, ask yourself what feels right for you at this time, and discuss what your options are. I want to make sure you know that this is your choice, and, that you are the only one in control of this decision.

I am here to support you in whatever decision feels right for you. I believe that women have an inner wisdom that helps them decide what is right for them at this time. I provide compassionate care and relevant information to help you find your inner wisdom and intuitive voice. My goal is for you to feel secure in your own informed decision. Click below to schedule your free phone consultation to get started.