Lately, it feels like there is someone behind you calling you out on all of your mistakes. That voice creeps in, especially in new situations and says…. “you're not good enough," "you'll embarrass yourself", or, "you should be more productive." You often find yourself worrying about the future, anticipating worst case scenarios, and going through the, "what ifs." The Covid-19 pandemic has only amplified this anxiety and self criticism. It has made your worries feel like a heavy bolder sitting on your chest that you can't seem to shake.

You often wake up with pits in your stomach and immediate worry. While you get some moments of clarity and breathers throughout the day, that feeling of unease still sits with you and makes it hard for you to do the things you want to do. You find yourself screening calls and stuck in your home paralyzed from getting on with your day. You’re feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

Anxiety isn't always a bad thing though. It actually helps us - it keeps us safe and helps fuel the passion for the things we care about. Sometimes this can be uncomfortable though and can definitely feel overwhelming.

I don't have the quick fix or immediate answer to get rid of your anxiety. I do believe that when we relate to our anxiety with less judgment, and more curiosity and acceptance, we can live with it while relieving it’s heavy burden.

I want to help you take committed action toward the things in your life that create meaning for you so that you can create a life, not dictated by your anxiety, but dictated by you. Click below to schedule your free phone consultation and begin taking steps so that you can enjoy your life you’ve worked so hard to create for yourself.