I have been conducting sessions with my clients via video and phone during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am based in Vancouver but can assist anyone who lives in British Columbia.

Here are some questions about virtual counselling that I hope I can answer for you…

Does virtual counselling even work?

The short answer is yes. Now for the long answer. While virtual counselling is not the same as in-person counselling, the important element is still there: a space for compassionate support, unconditional acceptance, and an opportunity to flesh out the problems that may be limiting you. I have been facilitating virtual sessions since the beginning of the pandemic and for the majority of my clients, virtual counselling sessions have been described as more accessible, and just as effective as in-person counselling sessions.

My undivided attention is on you in a video or phone session. You are my focus. The phone, email, other tabs on my computer are away. Like an in-person counselling session, I request my clients to do the same, keeping phone out of reach and putting other tasks on hold, so that you can be present in the session.

Is it awkward?

Some people may find video calls to be awkward briefly at the beginning, especially if you are not used to video calls. But once we acknowledge that, and get into what has motivated you to seek support, that feeling of awkwardness dissipates. Some folks have found it distracting to see themselves while in the video session. If that feels like you, there is a way to hide the viewing of yourself during the session. On the other hand, many clients can find video counselling to be more comfortable than in-person counselling — it truly depends on the individual.

What if I don't have a private place in my home to have a virtual session?

I work with many clients in this situation who either have roommates, live with their family, or live with their partner, and in all situations, feel they lack privacy and aren't comfortable speaking with a counsellor from home. No problem. In these situations, what we will usually do is arrange a telephone session (instead of video), and that way, you can either have the session as a 'walk and talk' or find a bench or covered space outside to have the call. Making sure you have privacy is important so that you can feel comfortable and present in our session.

If your sessions are virtual, can you work with clients from outside of Vancouver?

Yes! Technology is an incredible thing. I work virtually with clients residing all over British Columbia.

More questions?

Click below to schedule a free phone consultation and ask away.