You often feel the need to be 'nice' and to go along with others. When people ask for your preference, at a restaurant, in a work meeting, or on a date night, you respond with "whatever... I'm easy." You sometimes find yourself looking for the right thing to say while compromising your personality and values. You find yourself people pleasing to avoid conflict because the idea of conflict seems overwhelming.

Lately you are realizing that maybe it isn't so, "whatever." You do care, you do have things to say, and you do have opinions. You notice you’re feeling irritable, maybe even resentful having gone along with others just to avoid rocking the boat. You're emotionally exhausted and you feel taken for granted.You are beginning to realize how much work and self sacrifice is involved in pleasing others all the time and that it is not sustainable.

I want to help you identify what your needs are, why they are important to you, and how you can assert your needs and boundaries. I want to help you to feel confident in yourself. Learning how to express what you want and need — in a way that respects your needs and the needs of others — can be an empowering process. It can also help you to feel more secure in your own skin.

Book a chat with me if this sounds familiar to what you experience and see if I will be a good counselling fit for you. I want to support you in your process of self expression in a way that feels empowering and genuine to you.