When you first applied for this job, you thought, wow, this is great. Great pay. Great benefits. Awesome. But a year in you find yourself mentally and physically drained. The work conditions are not sustainable but you feel trapped by the golden handcuffs, great pay, benefits, and status. The expectations are high, and you continue to meet them, but the cost of meeting them is high and you don’t think you can keep up. It feels like you’re drowning. It’s like a pie eating contest, and the winner just gets MORE PIE.

You find yourself needing more time on your own. Your relationships are suffering because you don’t have the energy to put in the work. The weekend is never long enough and by Sunday afternoon you have a pit in your stomach about how to survive the upcoming week. You are considering quitting your job, but a part of you feels unsure.

The thought of quitting gives you total relief, however, at the same time, it also gives you a great deal of anxiety. There is a part of you that feels like this job is no longer aligned with your values, the things that matter most to you in you life. But I’m not a quitter! How will I make rent if I quit? What will they say? Will this follow me around? What other job can I even get? You feel paralyzed, not sure of what to do.

You need a space to process this and come to a decision you feel is your own. I can help provide you with that space, and support you in clarifying your values and what action steps are necessary for you to live a life that is fulfilling and meaningful for you.